Monday, November 30, 2009

Shor 10th post

1. "In school and society, the lack of meaningful participation alienate'
workers, teachers, and students. This alienation lowers their productivity
in class and on the job. I think of this, lowered,productivity a, a performance
strike, an unorganized mass refusal to perform well, an informal and unacknowledged strike."
(pg 20).

I do not like to talk in class and I do not think that participation should be the only way to asses students learning. I think that group discussion is good, but there are other ways the children can show they are learning the subject. Everyone has a voice that should be heard but if a student is uncomfortable then they should have the time to "warm up" to the students and teacher.

2.“People are naturally curious. They are born learners. Education can either develop or stile their inclination to ask why and to learn.”

I think that from day one the classroom teacher should make the classroom comfortable and open for discussion. Not having the children in groups or rows, but by putting them in a semi circle makes the room less stressful for asking questions and participating in front of peers. what i have found is that children like to know they have the right answer before answering in front of the class. Students need to know it is okay to have the wrong answer. We learn from one another.

3.“The good school is the one in which in studying I also get the pleasure of playing”

i want to be the teacher that has fun ways of learning new material. I like hands on projects because i think by see in doing the children obtains the information better than reading from a book as a whole class.

I found this reading to be very long and hard to stay on track. The points that the article did make were everyday situations, which i liked.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Citizenship in school: reconceptualizing Down Syndrome

1. "I started to notice that I didn't like the class I was taking called special education. I had to go through special ed. almost all my life. I wanted to take other classes that interest me. I had never felt so mad. I wanted to cry".

The quote made me feel bad. How can you make a child go to school everyday feeling like he wants to cry. Its like going to a job everyday that you HATE. That student and his teachers could have sat and asked him what he would like and what would make him feel happier in school. I think in this child's case special education did not benefit him. Instead it made his stress.

2. "Now we know that people with disabilities can learn and have a full, rich life. The challenge is to erase negative attitudes about people with developmental disabilities, get rid of the stereotypes and break the barriers for people with disabilities".

I liked to read the passages written by the person first hand.I think we have come a long way from when people with disabilities were put into institutions. People used to separate people with disabilities from non disabled people. I think that the words that were once used to describe people with disabilities, are over used by children and adults.Educators should step in when they hear children using the words like retard and dumb. Over the weekend I baptized my first goddaughter and one of the blessing the priest did on each child said "... let the blind see and the dumb speak..." I have never heard that before and was kinda shocked about it.

3. "She did not interpret Isaac's broad and impulsive motions, indecipherable chatter, and tendency to interrupt circle time with loud points of exclamation as manifestations of defectiveness. Instead, Shayne saw these behaviors as reflections of Isaac's joys in the drama of life and his desire to connect to his peers".

This is a teachers who takes the time to learn and get to know the child. She understands that some behaviors are uncontrollable and takes his interest into consideration. She took his favorite reading "Where the Wild Things are" and had the class put on a dramatic play with costumes and props. This activity included everyone in class.

I enjoyed this reading. I like when there are passages from real people, in real situations. Working with young children and people with disabilities. My first encounter with someone with a serious disability was in 4th grade. I was very interested in him and during all my spare time i spent it with him. I would help him with his school work and sit with him at lunch. We were good friends. Everyone wants to be created as an equal. You dont like when you feel left out and out of place, why make another person feel like that.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Promising Practices

When i first arrived at RIC the curriculum fair was just getting set up. The first session i went to was Teaching transgender students. I think that is crazy that a person as young at 2 starts to realize they are different. I never thought that young children "knew" those feelings. "Children will have a strong persistent interest in things deemed unusual for their gender like, toys, play, artwork, dress, names, and clothing. Children spend most of their waking days at school. Teachers, faculty, and staff need to be open minded, positive and supportive. Not all transgender people are "out", so teachers need to be knowledgeable about transgender and have a no tolerance teasing policy. Parents will also have concerns about how will the children act when Joseph comes back to school at Josie. Will the child be put down and isolated? Will the child get bullied and feel unsafe at school? Will the teacher accept the child and teach the children to "stick up" for one another. Will the teacher also discuss how everyone feels the same on the inside. Will they use gender neural language. Another major concern for transgender children are bathrooms. Some children will hold it in all day long. This does not just go for children. Transgender adults get harassed when using the bathroom. No one should feel unsafe when using the bathrooms. Bathrooms should be family or unisex facilities. I also never thought how that might make someone feel. I am the type if i have to pee i will go, but not just in any bathroom.The most disturbing information was the suicide rate. By the age of 20 about 50% of transgender children have attempted or succeeded in suicide. The presenter also mentioned the transgender bill of rights
This session went over the time by like 10 minutes. I think that this session connected with Carlson. Having gender neutral bathrooms, educating teacher on how to support and make transgender children feel welcome. I think that is very important for all students to feel safe and welcoming in school in order to get the best education. I learned the most in this session.
After the first session we went to the curriculum fair. I thought it was fun to walk around and see the different learning materials they had to offer. I liked the assistance technology table.
The second session that i went to was Celebrating our World: An Integrated Approach to Global Studies. I really liked this workshop the two presenters put a lot of thought and effort into what they presented. They were 1st and 2nd grade teachers from Henry Barnard School. They have a travel friend that travels with children when they go on vacation with their family. The presenters gave a folder to everyone with letters and examples of work for the children. There is a letter that is sent home with the children for the parents explaining the children will complete a travel log. There is also a letter for the student telling them about the travel log and sharing their experience with friends when they return to school. The log includes character traits, items collected during the trip, food ate, new things, favorite things, people you met on your trip, draw the state and country of the place you are visiting, journal for each day of the trip,buildings, bridges, tunnels,lakes, rivers, oceans, and mountains visited. Also a space provided to draw your favorite place visited.
September is summer souvenir. October is Columbus, Spain to San Salvador. November is Pilgrims and Thanksgiving, from England to the new world/ Massachusetts. ETC. After the month by month lesson on geography we went around to 6 different art stations. We made art projects from places like, Brazil ( carnival masks), Japan ( paper fan), North America ( story sticks), and Germany ( wooden clothespin people). They supplied the materials and directions for everyone. I had a lot of fun with the hands on take home projects. I was thinking that maybe Rodriguez because the teachers are bringing other cultures into the classroom. The children get to see the place on the map and draw it. They invite parents into the class to teach the students about their heritage and even bring in food to try. The children like to try food. I enjoyed this session a lot i also learned a lot. i like how the teacher finds a way around learning about different holidays. They also include the family's of the children into the classroom.

I really enjoyed, Tricia Rose, the keynote speaker. She was inspiring and down to earth. i liked when she said we need to be painfully honest, and make sure that we don’t skip over the "ugly parts." I enjoyed promising practice because it is informative and you get to talk to other students wanting to become a teacher and others who are already teachers.


1. It's no surprise that schools in wealthy communities are better than those in poor communities, or that they better prepare their students for desirable jobs. It may be shocking, however, to learn how vast the differences in schools are - not so much in resources as in teaching methods and philosophies of education.

Growing up i thought that schools were all pretty much the same. I now know that schools are different. I have also seen a school that is at or below Poverty.I do notice that the supplies are bare and and money is tight, but teachers need to use what they have and make the absolute best out of it. I don's hear much talk about higher education with the students. Some of the children in the class that i am in ask me "your in school, but your an adult"? I tell them "yes i am in college". The children in lower class schools are not getting the same opportunities as children that live in another town.

2.There were no clocks in the rooms in either school, and the children often asked, "What period is this?" "When do we go to gym?" The children had no access to materials. These were handed out by teachers and closely guarded. Things in the room "belonged" to the teacher: "Bob, bring me my garbage can." The teachers continually gave the children orders. Only three times did the investigator hear a teacher in either working-class school preface a directive with an unsarcastic "please," or "let's" or "would you." Instead, the teachers said, "Shut up," "Shut your mouth," "Open your books," "Throw your gum away-if you want to rot your teeth, do it on your own time." Teachers made every effort to control the movement of the children, and often shouted, "'Why are you out of your seat??!!" If the children got permission to leave the room, they had to take a written pass with the date and time....

I would have never thought a teacher would talk to a student like that. I have witnessed this kind of behavior at the school that i am volunteering at. There are some teachers that make the best of it. The supplies are minimal but my classroom teacher does use all the supplies that are available to her with the students. I don't see "books" in their desks everything is done as a group on the rug or with worksheets and manipulatives in their small group. When i was in school you needed permission to leave the room but you did not have to sign out and take a pass. In the classroom their is both a sign in/ out sheet and a hallway pass.

3. "The children had no access to materials. These were handed out by teachers and closely guarded. Things in the room "belonged" to the teacher: "Bob, bring me my garbage can."

I even hear this kind of talk at the school that i work at. I don't understand why teachers in general, call the classroom materials "theirs". One of the girls i work with does this all the time. "those crayons are miss XXX, you can use those over there". Even if the teacher buys something with her own $$, she still bought it with the class in mind. Why would you not share it

I liked the reading because i could relate to it. I sometimes dont think that the location of the school has anything to do with it. I think that its the teachers. They need to not think they are better than the children and remember what is was like to be a kid.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Gender and Education

i really liked the mother of the twin 6 year old girls. I never thought of gender and sex as being different. I have a few friends the are pregnant and the first thing i ask is boy or girl. I feel that i associate girls with dresses and dolls, and boys with jeans and trucks. This clip made me see that, just because you are a girl, it does not mean you will be a girly girl. i also sometimes think that boys are easier to take care of. i don't think that there should be "boy" or "girl" toys, children should be able to play with any toys they want, without being judged. Children should also be able to dress how they want. Especially at a young age a teacher should not make a child feel embarrassed or ashamed.
More men are staying home with the children while the mothers are the "bread" winners. The rolls of men and women have changed over the years therefore boys and girls should know both rolls of a man and a women. There is a 5 year old boy at the place i work at and his mother buys him "boy" toys like trucks, action figures but she also lets him some to school with his baby doll Caroline. I like that this little boys parents let him play with dolls and bracelets and fire trucks and cars.
I also never realized that children as young as 2 or 3 know how they like to dress and act. Gender rolls are everywhere. Children see it in Disney movies and TV. Teachers how a days need to be open minded and encourage children to play with all they "toys"